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For webmerge/scripts/webmerge.pl
  Run on Mon Oct 7 02:42:42 2013
Reported on Mon Oct 7 03:03:20 2013

StatementsExecuted 298 statements in 72.9ms
Calls P F Exclusive
55464.6ms64.9msutf8::::SWASHNEWutf8::SWASHNEW (recurses: max depth 1, inclusive time 368µs)
2471140µs140µsutf8::::CORE:substutf8::CORE:subst (opcode)
124165µs65µsutf8::::CORE:matchutf8::CORE:match (opcode)
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package utf8;
# spent 166µs (66+100) within utf8::BEGIN@2 which was called: # once (66µs+100µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 2
use strict;
# spent 166µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@2 # spent 100µs making 1 call to strict::import
# spent 103µs (69+34) within utf8::BEGIN@3 which was called: # once (69µs+34µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 3
use warnings;
# spent 103µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@3 # spent 34µs making 1 call to warnings::import
5sub DEBUG () { 0 }
6$|=1 if DEBUG;
8sub DESTROY {}
1011µsmy %Cache;
12sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
# spent 147µs (129+18) within utf8::_loose_name which was called 3 times, avg 49µs/call: # 3 times (129µs+18µs) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 399, avg 49µs/call
sub _loose_name ($) {
15 # Given a lowercase property or property-value name, return its
16 # standardized version that is expected for look-up in the 'loose' hashes
17 # in Heavy.pl (hence, this depends on what mktables does). This squeezes
18 # out blanks, underscores and dashes. The complication stems from the
19 # grandfathered-in 'L_', which retains a single trailing underscore.
21364µs310µs my $loose = $_[0] =~ s/[-\s_]//rg;
# spent 10µs making 3 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 3µs/call
233101µs38µs return $loose if $loose !~ / ^ (?: is | to )? l $/x;
# spent 8µs making 3 calls to utf8::CORE:match, avg 3µs/call
24 return 'l_' if $_[0] =~ / l .* _ /x; # If original had a trailing '_'
25 return $loose;
29## "SWASH" == "SWATCH HASH". A "swatch" is a swatch of the Unicode landscape.
30## It's a data structure that encodes a set of Unicode characters.
34 # If a floating point number is within this distance from the value of a
35 # fraction, it is considered to be that fraction, even if many more digits
36 # are specified that don't exactly match.
3724µs my $min_floating_slop;
39 # To guard against this program calling something that in turn ends up
40 # calling this program with the same inputs, and hence infinitely
41 # recursing, we keep a stack of the properties that are currently in
42 # progress, pushed upon entry, popped upon return.
4315µs my @recursed;
# spent 64.9ms (64.6+334µs) within utf8::SWASHNEW which was called 5 times, avg 13.0ms/call: # once (61.4ms+46µs) by constant::BEGIN@25 at line 18 of utf8.pm # once (1.77ms+73µs) by File::MimeInfo::CORE:match at line 164 of File/MimeInfo.pm # once (746µs+90µs) by XML::Simple::CORE:match at line 1042 of XML/Simple.pm # once (336µs+426µs) by File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst at line 178 of File/MimeInfo.pm # once (300µs+-300µs) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 607
46534µs my ($class, $type, $list, $minbits, $none) = @_;
4757µs my $user_defined = 0;
48519µs local $^D = 0 if $^D;
5055µs $class = "" unless defined $class;
51 print STDERR __LINE__, ": class=$class, type=$type, list=",
52 (defined $list) ? $list : ':undef:',
53 ", minbits=$minbits, none=$none\n" if DEBUG;
55 ##
56 ## Get the list of codepoints for the type.
57 ## Called from swash_init (see utf8.c) or SWASHNEW itself.
58 ##
59 ## Callers of swash_init:
60 ## op.c:pmtrans -- for tr/// and y///
61 ## regexec.c:regclass_swash -- for /[]/, \p, and \P
62 ## utf8.c:is_utf8_common -- for common Unicode properties
63 ## utf8.c:to_utf8_case -- for lc, uc, ucfirst, etc. and //i
64 ## Unicode::UCD::prop_invlist
65 ## Unicode::UCD::prop_invmap
66 ##
67 ## Given a $type, our goal is to fill $list with the set of codepoint
68 ## ranges. If $type is false, $list passed is used.
69 ##
70 ## $minbits:
71 ## For binary properties, $minbits must be 1.
72 ## For character mappings (case and transliteration), $minbits must
73 ## be a number except 1.
74 ##
75 ## $list (or that filled according to $type):
76 ## Refer to perlunicode.pod, "User-Defined Character Properties."
77 ##
78 ## For binary properties, only characters with the property value
79 ## of True should be listed. The 3rd column, if any, will be ignored
80 ##
81 ## $none is undocumented, so I'm (khw) trying to do some documentation
82 ## of it now. It appears to be if there is a mapping in an input file
83 ## that maps to 'XXXX', then that is replaced by $none+1, expressed in
84 ## hexadecimal. It is used somehow in tr///.
85 ##
86 ## To make the parsing of $type clear, this code takes the a rather
87 ## unorthodox approach of last'ing out of the block once we have the
88 ## info we need. Were this to be a subroutine, the 'last' would just
89 ## be a 'return'.
90 ##
91 # If a problem is found $type is returned;
92 # Upon success, a new (or cached) blessed object is returned with
93 # keys TYPE, BITS, EXTRAS, LIST, and NONE with values having the
94 # same meanings as the input parameters.
95 # SPECIALS contains a reference to any special-treatment hash in the
96 # INVERT_IT is non-zero if the result should be inverted before use
97 # USER_DEFINED is non-zero if the result came from a user-defined
98 # property.
9955µs my $file; ## file to load data from, and also part of the %Cache key.
101 # Change this to get a different set of Unicode tables
102510µs my $unicore_dir = 'unicore';
10354µs my $invert_it = 0;
10456µs my $list_is_from_mktables = 0; # Is $list returned from a mktables
105 # generated file? If so, we know it's
106 # well behaved.
10858µs if ($type)
109 {
110 # Verify that this isn't a recursive call for this property.
111 # Can't use croak, as it may try to recurse to here itself.
112421µs my $class_type = $class . "::$type";
113417µs if (grep { $_ eq $class_type } @recursed) {
114 CORE::die "panic: Infinite recursion in SWASHNEW for '$type'\n";
115 }
116414µs push @recursed, $class_type;
1184111µs436µs $type =~ s/^\s+//;
# spent 36µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 9µs/call
119472µs425µs $type =~ s/\s+$//;
# spent 25µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 6µs/call
121 # regcomp.c surrounds the property name with '__" and '_i' if this
122 # is to be caseless matching.
123459µs49µs my $caseless = $type =~ s/^(.*)__(.*)_i$/$1$2/;
# spent 9µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 2µs/call
125 print STDERR __LINE__, ": type=$type, caseless=$caseless\n" if DEBUG;
127421µs GETFILE:
128 {
129 ##
130 ## It could be a user-defined property. Look in current
131 ## package if no package given
132 ##
13545µs my $caller0 = caller(0);
136476µs410µs my $caller1 = $type =~ s/(.+)::// ? $1 : $caller0 eq 'main' ?
# spent 10µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 3µs/call
137 'main' : caller(1);
139490µs425µs if (defined $caller1 && $type =~ /^I[ns]\w+$/) {
# spent 25µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:match, avg 6µs/call
140216µs my $prop = "${caller1}::$type";
141220µs if (exists &{$prop}) {
142 # stolen from Scalar::Util::PP::tainted()
143 my $tainted;
144 {
145 local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
146 local $^W = 0;
# spent 174µs (95+79) within utf8::BEGIN@147 which was called: # once (95µs+79µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 147
no warnings;
# spent 174µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@147 # spent 79µs making 1 call to warnings::unimport
148 eval { kill 0 * $prop };
149 $tainted = 1 if $@ =~ /^Insecure/;
150 }
151 die "Insecure user-defined property \\p{$prop}\n"
152 if $tainted;
# spent 131µs (53+78) within utf8::BEGIN@153 which was called: # once (53µs+78µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 153
no strict 'refs';
# spent 131µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@153 # spent 78µs making 1 call to strict::unimport
154 $list = &{$prop}($caseless);
155 $user_defined = 1;
156 last GETFILE;
157 }
158 }
160 # During Perl's compilation, this routine may be called before
161 # the tables are constructed. If so, we have a chicken/egg
162 # problem. If we die, the tables never get constructed, so
163 # keep going, but return an empty table so only what the code
164 # has compiled in internally (currently ASCII/Latin1 range
165 # matching) will work.
# spent 41µs within utf8::BEGIN@166 which was called: # once (41µs+0s) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 170
167 # Poor man's constant, to avoid a run-time check.
168170µs $utf8::{miniperl}
169 = \! defined &DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader;
1701498µs141µs }
# spent 41µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@166
171420µs if (miniperl) {
172 eval "require '$unicore_dir/Heavy.pl'";
173 last GETFILE if $@;
174 }
175 else {
176445.2ms require "$unicore_dir/Heavy.pl";
177 }
# spent 45µs within utf8::BEGIN@178 which was called: # once (45µs+0s) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 178
BEGIN { delete $utf8::{miniperl} }
# spent 45µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@178
180 # All property names are matched caselessly
181427µs my $property_and_table = CORE::lc $type;
182 print STDERR __LINE__, ": $property_and_table\n" if DEBUG;
184 # See if is of the compound form 'property=value', where the
185 # value indicates the table we should use.
186495µs my ($property, $table, @remainder) =
187 split /\s*[:=]\s*/, $property_and_table, -1;
18849µs if (@remainder) {
189 pop @recursed if @recursed;
190 return $type;
191 }
19344µs my $prefix;
194416µs if (! defined $table) {
196 # Here, is the single form. The property becomes empty, and
197 # the whole value is the table.
198412µs $table = $property;
199415µs $prefix = $property = "";
200 } else {
201 print STDERR __LINE__, ": $property\n" if DEBUG;
203 # Here it is the compound property=table form. The property
204 # name is always loosely matched, and always can have an
205 # optional 'is' prefix (which isn't true in the single
206 # form).
207 $property = _loose_name($property) =~ s/^is//r;
209 # And convert to canonical form. Quit if not valid.
210 $property = $utf8::loose_property_name_of{$property};
211 if (! defined $property) {
212 pop @recursed if @recursed;
213 return $type;
214 }
216 $prefix = "$property=";
218 # If the rhs looks like it is a number...
219 print STDERR __LINE__, ": table=$table\n" if DEBUG;
220 if ($table =~ qr{ ^ [ \s 0-9 _ + / . -]+ $ }x) {
221 print STDERR __LINE__, ": table=$table\n" if DEBUG;
223 # Don't allow leading nor trailing slashes
224 if ($table =~ / ^ \/ | \/ $ /x) {
225 pop @recursed if @recursed;
226 return $type;
227 }
229 # Split on slash, in case it is a rational, like \p{1/5}
230 my @parts = split qr{ \s* / \s* }x, $table, -1;
231 print __LINE__, ": $type\n" if @parts > 2 && DEBUG;
233 # Can have maximum of one slash
234 if (@parts > 2) {
235 pop @recursed if @recursed;
236 return $type;
237 }
239 foreach my $part (@parts) {
240 print __LINE__, ": part=$part\n" if DEBUG;
242 $part =~ s/^\+\s*//; # Remove leading plus
243 $part =~ s/^-\s*/-/; # Remove blanks after unary
244 # minus
246 # Remove underscores between digits.
247 $part =~ s/( ?<= [0-9] ) _ (?= [0-9] ) //xg;
249 # No leading zeros (but don't make a single '0'
250 # into a null string)
251 $part =~ s/ ^ ( -? ) 0+ /$1/x;
252 $part .= '0' if $part eq '-' || $part eq "";
254 # No trailing zeros after a decimal point
255 $part =~ s/ ( \. .*? ) 0+ $ /$1/x;
257 # Begin with a 0 if a leading decimal point
258 $part =~ s/ ^ ( -? ) \. /${1}0./x;
260 # Ensure not a trailing decimal point: turn into an
261 # integer
262 $part =~ s/ \. $ //x;
264 print STDERR __LINE__, ": part=$part\n" if DEBUG;
265 #return $type if $part eq "";
267 # Result better look like a number. (This test is
268 # needed because, for example could have a plus in
269 # the middle.)
270 if ($part !~ / ^ -? [0-9]+ ( \. [0-9]+)? $ /x) {
271 pop @recursed if @recursed;
272 return $type;
273 }
274 }
276 # If a rational...
277 if (@parts == 2) {
279 # If denominator is negative, get rid of it, and ...
280 if ($parts[1] =~ s/^-//) {
282 # If numerator is also negative, convert the
283 # whole thing to positive, or move the minus to
284 # the numerator
285 if ($parts[0] !~ s/^-//) {
286 $parts[0] = '-' . $parts[0];
287 }
288 }
289 $table = join '/', @parts;
290 }
291 elsif ($property ne 'nv' || $parts[0] !~ /\./) {
293 # Here is not numeric value, or doesn't have a
294 # decimal point. No further manipulation is
295 # necessary. (Note the hard-coded property name.
296 # This could fail if other properties eventually
297 # had fractions as well; perhaps the cjk ones
298 # could evolve to do that. This hard-coding could
299 # be fixed by mktables generating a list of
300 # properties that could have fractions.)
301 $table = $parts[0];
302 } else {
304 # Here is a floating point numeric_value. Try to
305 # convert to rational. First see if is in the list
306 # of known ones.
307 if (exists $utf8::nv_floating_to_rational{$parts[0]}) {
308 $table = $utf8::nv_floating_to_rational{$parts[0]};
309 } else {
311 # Here not in the list. See if is close
312 # enough to something in the list. First
313 # determine what 'close enough' means. It has
314 # to be as tight as what mktables says is the
315 # maximum slop, and as tight as how many
316 # digits we were passed. That is, if the user
317 # said .667, .6667, .66667, etc. we match as
318 # many digits as they passed until get to
319 # where it doesn't matter any more due to the
320 # machine's precision. If they said .6666668,
321 # we fail.
322 (my $fraction = $parts[0]) =~ s/^.*\.//;
323 my $epsilon = 10 ** - (length($fraction));
324 if ($epsilon > $utf8::max_floating_slop) {
325 $epsilon = $utf8::max_floating_slop;
326 }
328 # But it can't be tighter than the minimum
329 # precision for this machine. If haven't
330 # already calculated that minimum, do so now.
331 if (! defined $min_floating_slop) {
333 # Keep going down an order of magnitude
334 # until find that adding this quantity to
335 # 1 remains 1; but put an upper limit on
336 # this so in case this algorithm doesn't
337 # work properly on some platform, that we
338 # won't loop forever.
339 my $count = 0;
340 $min_floating_slop = 1;
341 while (1+ $min_floating_slop != 1
342 && $count++ < 50)
343 {
344 my $next = $min_floating_slop / 10;
345 last if $next == 0; # If underflows,
346 # use previous one
347 $min_floating_slop = $next;
348 print STDERR __LINE__, ": min_float_slop=$min_floating_slop\n" if DEBUG;
349 }
351 # Back off a couple orders of magnitude,
352 # just to be safe.
353 $min_floating_slop *= 100;
354 }
356 if ($epsilon < $min_floating_slop) {
357 $epsilon = $min_floating_slop;
358 }
359 print STDERR __LINE__, ": fraction=.$fraction; epsilon=$epsilon\n" if DEBUG;
361 undef $table;
363 # And for each possible rational in the table,
364 # see if it is within epsilon of the input.
365 foreach my $official
366 (keys %utf8::nv_floating_to_rational)
367 {
368 print STDERR __LINE__, ": epsilon=$epsilon, official=$official, diff=", abs($parts[0] - $official), "\n" if DEBUG;
369 if (abs($parts[0] - $official) < $epsilon) {
370 $table =
371 $utf8::nv_floating_to_rational{$official};
372 last;
373 }
374 }
376 # Quit if didn't find one.
377 if (! defined $table) {
378 pop @recursed if @recursed;
379 return $type;
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 print STDERR __LINE__, ": $property=$table\n" if DEBUG;
384 }
385 }
387 # Combine lhs (if any) and rhs to get something that matches
388 # the syntax of the lookups.
389410µs $property_and_table = "$prefix$table";
390 print STDERR __LINE__, ": $property_and_table\n" if DEBUG;
392 # First try stricter matching.
393429µs $file = $utf8::stricter_to_file_of{$property_and_table};
395 # If didn't find it, try again with looser matching by editing
396 # out the applicable characters on the rhs and looking up
397 # again.
398410µs if (! defined $file) {
399336µs3147µs $table = _loose_name($table);
# spent 147µs making 3 calls to utf8::_loose_name, avg 49µs/call
40038µs $property_and_table = "$prefix$table";
401 print STDERR __LINE__, ": $property_and_table\n" if DEBUG;
402318µs $file = $utf8::loose_to_file_of{$property_and_table};
403 }
405 # Add the constant and go fetch it in.
40649µs if (defined $file) {
408 # A beginning ! means to invert. The 0+ makes sure is
409 # numeric
4104161µs423µs $invert_it = 0 + $file =~ s/^!//;
# spent 23µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:subst, avg 6µs/call
412411µs if ($utf8::why_deprecated{$file}) {
413 warnings::warnif('deprecated', "Use of '$type' in \\p{} or \\P{} is deprecated because: $utf8::why_deprecated{$file};");
414 }
41645µs if ($caseless
417 && exists $utf8::caseless_equivalent{$property_and_table})
418 {
419 $file = $utf8::caseless_equivalent{$property_and_table};
420 }
421429µs $file= "$unicore_dir/lib/$file.pl";
422445µs last GETFILE;
423 }
424 print STDERR __LINE__, ": didn't find $property_and_table\n" if DEBUG;
426 ##
427 ## Last attempt -- see if it's a standard "To" name
428 ## (e.g. "ToLower") ToTitle is used by ucfirst().
429 ## The user-level way to access ToDigit() and ToFold()
430 ## is to use Unicode::UCD.
431 ##
432 # Only check if caller wants non-binary
433 my $retried = 0;
434 if ($minbits != 1 && $property_and_table =~ s/^to//) {{
435 # Look input up in list of properties for which we have
436 # mapping files.
437 if (defined ($file =
438 $utf8::loose_property_to_file_of{$property_and_table}))
439 {
440 $type = $utf8::file_to_swash_name{$file};
441 print STDERR __LINE__, ": type set to $type\n" if DEBUG;
442 $file = "$unicore_dir/$file.pl";
443 last GETFILE;
444 } # If that fails see if there is a corresponding binary
445 # property file
446 elsif (defined ($file =
447 $utf8::loose_to_file_of{$property_and_table}))
448 {
450 # Here, there is no map file for the property we are
451 # trying to get the map of, but this is a binary
452 # property, and there is a file for it that can easily
453 # be translated to a mapping.
455 # In the case of properties that are forced to binary,
456 # they are a combination. We return the actual
457 # mapping instead of the binary. If the input is
458 # something like 'Tocjkkiicore', it will be found in
459 # %loose_property_to_file_of above as => 'To/kIICore'.
460 # But the form like ToIskiicore won't be. To fix
461 # this, it was easiest to do it here. These
462 # properties are the complements of the default
463 # property, so there is an entry in %loose_to_file_of
464 # that is 'iskiicore' => '!kIICore/N', If we find such
465 # an entry, strip off things and try again, which
466 # should find the entry in %loose_property_to_file_of.
467 # Actual binary properties that are of this form, such
468 # as this entry: 'ishrkt' => '!Perl/Any' will also be
469 # retried, but won't be in %loose_property_to_file_of,
470 # and instead the next time through, it will find
471 # 'hrkt' => '!Perl/Any' and proceed.
472 redo if ! $retried
473 && $file =~ /^!/
474 && $property_and_table =~ s/^is//;
476 # This is a binary property. Setting this here causes
477 # it to be stored as such in the cache, so if someone
478 # comes along later looking for just a binary, they
479 # get it.
480 $minbits = 1;
482 # The 0+ makes sure is numeric
483 $invert_it = 0 + $file =~ s/^!//;
484 $file = "$unicore_dir/lib/$file.pl";
485 last GETFILE;
486 }
487 } }
489 ##
490 ## If we reach this line, it's because we couldn't figure
491 ## out what to do with $type. Ouch.
492 ##
494 pop @recursed if @recursed;
495 return $type;
496 } # end of GETFILE block
498420µs if (defined $file) {
499 print STDERR __LINE__, ": found it (file='$file')\n" if DEBUG;
501 ##
502 ## If we reach here, it was due to a 'last GETFILE' above
503 ## (exception: user-defined properties and mappings), so we
504 ## have a filename, so now we load it if we haven't already.
505 ## If we have, return the cached results. The cache key is the
506 ## class and file to load, and whether the results need to be
507 ## inverted.
508 ##
509448µs my $found = $Cache{$class, $file, $invert_it};
51047µs if ($found and ref($found) eq $class) {
511 print STDERR __LINE__, ": Returning cached swash for '$class,$file,$invert_it' for \\p{$type}\n" if DEBUG;
51214µs pop @recursed if @recursed;
513127µs return $found;
514 }
51636µs local $@;
5173360µs local $!;
51865.48ms $list = do $file; die $@ if $@;
519339µs $list_is_from_mktables = 1;
520 }
521 } # End of $type is non-null
523 # Here, either $type was null, or we found the requested property and
524 # read it into $list
526411µs my $extras = "";
52845µs my $bits = $minbits;
530 # mktables lists don't have extras, like '&utf8::prop', so don't need
531 # to separate them; also lists are already sorted, so don't need to do
532 # that.
53349µs if ($list && ! $list_is_from_mktables) {
53416µs my $taint = substr($list,0,0); # maintain taint
536 # Separate the extras from the code point list, and for
537 # user-defined properties, make sure the latter are well-behaved
538 # for downstream code.
53913µs if ($user_defined) {
540 my @tmp = split(/^/m, $list);
541 my %seen;
# spent 171µs (85+86) within utf8::BEGIN@542 which was called: # once (85µs+86µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 542
no warnings;
# spent 171µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@542 # spent 86µs making 1 call to warnings::unimport
544 # The extras are anything that doesn't begin with a hex digit.
545 $extras = join '', $taint, grep /^[^0-9a-fA-F]/, @tmp;
547 # Remove the extras, and sort the remaining entries by the
548 # numeric value of their beginning hex digits, removing any
549 # duplicates.
550 $list = join '', $taint,
551 map { $_->[1] }
552 sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
553 map { /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/; [ CORE::hex($1), $_ ] }
554 grep { /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/ and not $seen{$1}++ } @tmp; # XXX doesn't do ranges right
555 }
556 else {
557 # mktables has gone to some trouble to make non-user defined
558 # properties well-behaved, so we can skip the effort we do for
559 # user-defined ones. Any extras are at the very beginning of
560 # the string.
562 # This regex splits out the first lines of $list into $1 and
563 # strips them off from $list, until we get one that begins
564 # with a hex number, alone on the line, or followed by a tab.
565 # Either portion may be empty.
566148µs126µs $list =~ s/ \A ( .*? )
# spent 26µs making 1 call to utf8::CORE:subst
567 (?: \z | (?= ^ [0-9a-fA-F]+ (?: \t | $) ) )
568 //msx;
570111µs $extras = "$taint$1";
571 }
572 }
57444µs if ($none) {
575 my $hextra = sprintf "%04x", $none + 1;
576 $list =~ s/\tXXXX$/\t$hextra/mg;
577 }
57945µs if ($minbits != 1 && $minbits < 32) { # not binary property
580 my $top = 0;
581 while ($list =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:[\t]([0-9a-fA-F]+)?)(?:[ \t]([0-9a-fA-F]+))?/mg) {
582 my $min = CORE::hex $1;
583 my $max = defined $2 ? CORE::hex $2 : $min;
584 my $val = defined $3 ? CORE::hex $3 : 0;
585 $val += $max - $min if defined $3;
586 $top = $val if $val > $top;
587 }
588 my $topbits =
589 $top > 0xffff ? 32 :
590 $top > 0xff ? 16 : 8;
591 $bits = $topbits if $bits < $topbits;
592 }
59446µs my @extras;
59547µs if ($extras) {
59614µs for my $x ($extras) {
59714µs my $taint = substr($x,0,0); # maintain taint
598110µs pos $x = 0;
599134µs18µs while ($x =~ /^([^0-9a-fA-F\n])(.*)/mg) {
# spent 8µs making 1 call to utf8::CORE:match
600213µs my $char = "$1$taint";
601210µs my $name = "$2$taint";
602 print STDERR __LINE__, ": char [$char] => name [$name]\n"
603 if DEBUG;
604278µs424µs if ($char =~ /[-+!&]/) {
# spent 24µs making 4 calls to utf8::CORE:match, avg 6µs/call
605111µs my ($c,$t) = split(/::/, $name, 2); # bogus use of ::, really
6061900ns my $subobj;
607182µs10s if ($c eq 'utf8') {
# spent 368µs making 1 call to utf8::SWASHNEW, recursion: max depth 1, sum of overlapping time 368µs
608 $subobj = utf8->SWASHNEW($t, "", $minbits, 0);
609 }
610 elsif (exists &$name) {
611 $subobj = utf8->SWASHNEW($name, "", $minbits, 0);
612 }
613 elsif ($c =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
614 $subobj = utf8->SWASHNEW("", $c, $minbits, 0);
615 }
616 print STDERR __LINE__, ": returned from getting sub object for $name\n" if DEBUG;
61712µs if (! ref $subobj) {
618 pop @recursed if @recursed && $type;
619 return $subobj;
620 }
62114µs push @extras, $name => $subobj;
62213µs $bits = $subobj->{BITS} if $bits < $subobj->{BITS};
62314µs $user_defined = $subobj->{USER_DEFINED}
624 if $subobj->{USER_DEFINED};
625 }
626 }
627 }
628 }
630 if (DEBUG) {
631 print STDERR __LINE__, ": CLASS = $class, TYPE => $type, BITS => $bits, NONE => $none, INVERT_IT => $invert_it, USER_DEFINED => $user_defined";
632 print STDERR "\nLIST =>\n$list" if defined $list;
633 print STDERR "\nEXTRAS =>\n$extras" if defined $extras;
634 print STDERR "\n";
635 }
6374192µs my $SWASH = bless {
638 TYPE => $type,
639 BITS => $bits,
640 EXTRAS => $extras,
641 LIST => $list,
642 NONE => $none,
643 USER_DEFINED => $user_defined,
644 @extras,
645 } => $class;
647410µs if ($file) {
648335µs $Cache{$class, $file, $invert_it} = $SWASH;
64938µs if ($type
650 && exists $utf8::SwashInfo{$type}
651 && exists $utf8::SwashInfo{$type}{'specials_name'})
652 {
653 my $specials_name = $utf8::SwashInfo{$type}{'specials_name'};
# spent 156µs (63+93) within utf8::BEGIN@654 which was called: # once (63µs+93µs) by utf8::AUTOLOAD at line 654
no strict "refs";
# spent 156µs making 1 call to utf8::BEGIN@654 # spent 93µs making 1 call to strict::unimport
655 print STDERR "\nspecials_name => $specials_name\n" if DEBUG;
656 $SWASH->{'SPECIALS'} = \%$specials_name;
657 }
658317µs $SWASH->{'INVERT_IT'} = $invert_it;
659 }
661419µs pop @recursed if @recursed && $type;
6634137µs return $SWASH;
664 }
667# Now SWASHGET is recasted into a C function S_swatch_get (see utf8.c).
# spent 65µs within utf8::CORE:match which was called 12 times, avg 5µs/call: # 4 times (25µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 139, avg 6µs/call # 4 times (24µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 604, avg 6µs/call # 3 times (8µs+0s) by utf8::_loose_name at line 23, avg 3µs/call # once (8µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 599
sub utf8::CORE:match; # opcode
# spent 140µs within utf8::CORE:subst which was called 24 times, avg 6µs/call: # 4 times (36µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 118, avg 9µs/call # 4 times (25µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 119, avg 6µs/call # 4 times (23µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 410, avg 6µs/call # 4 times (10µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 136, avg 3µs/call # 4 times (9µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 123, avg 2µs/call # 3 times (10µs+0s) by utf8::_loose_name at line 21, avg 3µs/call # once (26µs+0s) by utf8::SWASHNEW at line 566
sub utf8::CORE:subst; # opcode