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For webmerge/scripts/webmerge.pl
  Run on Mon Oct 7 02:42:42 2013
Reported on Mon Oct 7 03:03:25 2013

StatementsExecuted 49535 statements in 792ms
Calls P F Exclusive
256422418ms866msFile::MimeInfo::::globsFile::MimeInfo::globs (recurses: max depth 1, inclusive time 2.30ms)
59455176.8ms78.7msFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:matchFile::MimeInfo::CORE:match (opcode)
25601131.9ms31.9msFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:lstatFile::MimeInfo::CORE:lstat (opcode)
2560116.74ms6.74msFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:ftfileFile::MimeInfo::CORE:ftfile (opcode)
829213.69ms3.69msFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:readlineFile::MimeInfo::CORE:readline (opcode)
9021978µs978µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:regcompFile::MimeInfo::CORE:regcomp (opcode)
3031882µs1.64msFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:substFile::MimeInfo::CORE:subst (opcode)
3821224µs224µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:substcontFile::MimeInfo::CORE:substcont (opcode)
1011175µs175µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:qrFile::MimeInfo::CORE:qr (opcode)
11148µs48µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:openFile::MimeInfo::CORE:open (opcode)
11129µs29µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:closeFile::MimeInfo::CORE:close (opcode)
11115µs15µsFile::MimeInfo::::CORE:binmodeFile::MimeInfo::CORE:binmode (opcode)
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package File::MimeInfo;
# spent 191µs (85+106) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@3 which was called: # once (85µs+106µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 3
use strict;
# spent 191µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@3 # spent 106µs making 1 call to strict::import
# spent 306µs (59+246) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@4 which was called: # once (59µs+246µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 4
use Carp;
# spent 306µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@4 # spent 246µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 213µs (78+135) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@5 which was called: # once (78µs+135µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 5
use Fcntl 'SEEK_SET';
# spent 213µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@5 # spent 135µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
# spent 36µs within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@6 which was called: # once (36µs+0s) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 6
use File::Spec;
# spent 36µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@6
# spent 185µs (51+134) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@7 which was called: # once (51µs+134µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 7
use File::BaseDir qw/data_files/;
# spent 185µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@7 # spent 134µs making 1 call to Exporter::import
814µsrequire Exporter;
10141µsour @ISA = qw(Exporter);
1116µsour @EXPORT = qw(mimetype);
1219µsour @EXPORT_OK = qw(extensions describe globs inodetype mimetype_canon mimetype_isa);
1312µsour $VERSION = '0.15';
141500nsour $DEBUG;
1612µsour ($_hashed, $_hashed_aliases, $_hashed_subclasses);
1712µsour (@globs, %literal, %extension, %mime2ext, %aliases, %subclasses);
1811µsour ($LANG, @DIRS);
19# @globs = [ [ 'glob', qr//, $mime_string ], ... ]
20# %literal contains literal matches
21# %extension contains extensions (globs matching /^\*(\.\w)+$/ )
22# %mime2ext is used for looking up extension by mime type
23# %aliases contains the aliases table
24# %subclasses contains the subclasses table
25# $LANG can be used to set a default language for the comments
26# @DIRS can be used to specify custom database directories
28sub new { bless \$VERSION, shift } # what else is there to bless ?
30sub mimetype {
31 my $file = pop;
32 croak 'subroutine "mimetype" needs a filename as argument' unless defined $file;
33 croak 'You should use File::MimeInfo::Magic to check open filehandles' if ref $file;
34 return
35 inodetype($file) ||
36 globs($file) ||
37 default($file);
# spent 190ms (152+38.6) within File::MimeInfo::inodetype which was called 2560 times, avg 74µs/call: # 2560 times (152ms+38.6ms) by File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype at line 39 of File/MimeInfo/Magic.pm, avg 74µs/call
sub inodetype {
4125607.82ms my $file = pop;
4225603.37ms print STDERR "> Checking inode type\n" if $DEBUG;
43256064.7ms256031.9ms lstat $file or return undef;
# spent 31.9ms making 2560 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:lstat, avg 12µs/call
442560119ms25606.74ms return undef if -f _;
# spent 6.74ms making 2560 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:ftfile, avg 3µs/call
45 my $t = (-l $file) ? 'inode/symlink' : # Win32 does not like '_' here
46 (-d _) ? 'inode/directory' :
47 (-p _) ? 'inode/fifo' :
48 (-c _) ? 'inode/chardevice' :
49 (-b _) ? 'inode/blockdevice' :
50 (-S _) ? 'inode/socket' : '' ;
51 if ($t eq 'inode/directory') { # compare devices to detext mount-points
52 my $dev = (stat _)[0]; # device of the node under investigation
53 $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($file); # get full path
54 my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($file);
55 $file = File::Spec->catfile(@dirs); # removes trailing '/' or equivalent
56 return $t if -l $file; # parent can be on other dev for links
57 pop @dirs;
58 my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs); # parent dir
59 $t = 'inode/mount-point' unless (stat $dir)[0] == $dev; # compare devices
60 return $t;
61 }
62 else { return $t ? $t : undef }
# spent 866ms (418+448) within File::MimeInfo::globs which was called 2564 times, avg 338µs/call: # 2560 times (417ms+449ms) by File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype at line 44 of File/MimeInfo/Magic.pm, avg 338µs/call # 4 times (1.48ms+-1.48ms) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 94, avg 0s/call
sub globs {
66256419.9ms my $file = pop;
6725644.28ms croak 'subroutine "globs" needs a filename as argument' unless defined $file;
6825642.66ms1141ms rehash() unless $_hashed;
# spent 141ms making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::rehash
69256497.0ms2564254ms (undef, undef, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($file); # remove path
# spent 254ms making 2564 calls to File::Spec::Unix::splitpath, avg 99µs/call
7025643.78ms print STDERR "> Checking globs for basename '$file'\n" if $DEBUG;
72256414.3ms return $literal{$file} if exists $literal{$file};
742564143ms256452.5ms if ($file =~ /\.(\w+(\.\w+)*)$/) {
# spent 52.5ms making 2564 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:match, avg 20µs/call
75256452.2ms my @ext = split /\./, $1;
7625648.31ms while (@ext) {
77257218.5ms my $ext = join('.', @ext);
7825722.82ms print STDERR "> Checking for extension '.$ext'\n" if $DEBUG;
7925722.74ms warn "WARNING: wantarray behaviour of globs() will change in the future.\n" if wantarray;
80 return wantarray
81257274.1ms ? ($extension{$ext}, $ext)
82 : $extension{$ext}
83 if exists $extension{$ext};
841673µs shift @ext;
85 }
86 }
888193µs for (@globs) {
89802.73ms160919µs next unless $file =~ $_->[1];
# spent 479µs making 80 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:match, avg 6µs/call # spent 440µs making 80 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:regcomp, avg 5µs/call
90 print STDERR "> This file name matches \"$_->[0]\"\n" if $DEBUG;
91 return $_->[2];
92 }
948253µs1241µs return globs(lc $file) if $file =~ /[A-Z]/; # recurs
# spent 41µs making 8 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:match, avg 5µs/call # spent 2.30ms making 4 calls to File::MimeInfo::globs, avg 574µs/call, recursion: max depth 1, sum of overlapping time 2.30ms
95467µs return undef;
98sub default {
99 my $file = pop;
100 croak 'subroutine "default" needs a filename as argument' unless defined $file;
102 my $line;
103 unless (ref $file) {
104 return undef unless -f $file;
105 print STDERR "> File exists, trying default method\n" if $DEBUG;
106 return 'text/plain' if -z $file;
108 open FILE, '<', $file || return undef;
109 binmode FILE, ':utf8' unless $] < 5.008;
110 read FILE, $line, 32;
111 close FILE;
112 }
113 else {
114 print STDERR "> Trying default method on object\n" if $DEBUG;
116 $file->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
117 $file->read($line, 32);
118 }
120 {
# spent 150µs (80+69) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@121 which was called: # once (80µs+69µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 121
no warnings; # warnings can be thrown when input not ascii
# spent 150µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@121 # spent 69µs making 1 call to warnings::unimport
122 if ($] < 5.008 or ! utf8::valid($line)) {
# spent 1.36ms (1.34+18µs) within File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@123 which was called: # once (1.34ms+18µs) by RTP::Webmerge::Process::CSS::Inlinedata::BEGIN@32 at line 123
use bytes; # avoid invalid utf8 chars
# spent 1.36ms making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::BEGIN@123 # spent 18µs making 1 call to bytes::import
124 $line =~ s/\s//g; # \m, \n and \t are also control chars
125 return 'text/plain' unless $line =~ /[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/;
126 }
127 else {
128 # use perl to do something intelligent for ascii & utf8
129 return 'text/plain' unless $line =~ /[^[:print:]\s]/;
130 }
131 }
132 print STDERR "> First 10 bytes of the file contain control chars\n" if $DEBUG;
133 return 'application/octet-stream';
# spent 141ms (104µs+140) within File::MimeInfo::rehash which was called: # once (104µs+140ms) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 68
sub rehash {
13718µs (@globs, %literal, %extension, %mime2ext) = (); # clear all data
13811µs local $_; # limit scope of $_ ... :S
139 my @globfiles = @DIRS
140123µs11.20ms ? ( grep {-e $_ && -r $_} map "$_/globs", @DIRS )
# spent 1.20ms making 1 call to File::BaseDir::data_files
141 : ( reverse data_files('mime/globs') );
14212µs print STDERR << 'EOT' unless @globfiles;
143WARNING: You don't seem to have a mime-info database. The
144shared-mime-info package is available from http://freedesktop.org/ .
14611µs my @done;
14715µs for my $file (@globfiles) {
14812µs next if grep {$file eq $_} @done;
149112µs1139ms _hash_globs($file);
# spent 139ms making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs
150111µs push @done, $file;
151 }
152127µs $_hashed = 1;
# spent 139ms (106+33.3) within File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs which was called: # once (106ms+33.3ms) by File::MimeInfo::rehash at line 149
sub _hash_globs {
15613µs my $file = shift;
157178µs148µs open GLOB, '<', $file || croak "Could not open file '$file' for reading" ;
# spent 48µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::CORE:open
158149µs115µs binmode GLOB, ':utf8' unless $] < 5.008;
# spent 15µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::CORE:binmode
15912µs my ($string, $glob);
160194µs344µs while (<GLOB>) {
# spent 44µs making 3 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:readline, avg 15µs/call
16182846.7ms165410.4ms next if /^\s*#/ or ! /\S/; # skip comments and empty lines
# spent 10.4ms making 1654 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:match, avg 6µs/call
1628261.92ms chomp;
16382613.3ms ($string, $glob) = split /:/, $_, 2;
16482645.6ms246620.8ms unless ($glob =~ /[\?\*\[]/) { $literal{$glob} = $string }
# spent 15.3ms making 1639 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:match, avg 9µs/call # spent 3.64ms making 826 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:readline, avg 4µs/call # spent 1.85ms making 1 call to utf8::SWASHNEW
165 elsif ($glob =~ /^\*\.(\w+(\.\w+)*)$/) {
16680312.8ms $extension{$1} = $string;
1678035.66ms $mime2ext{$string} = [] if !defined($mime2ext{$string});
1688036.91ms push @{$mime2ext{$string}}, $1;
16910243µs103.90ms } else { unshift @globs, [$glob, _glob_to_regexp($glob), $string] }
# spent 3.90ms making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp, avg 390µs/call
170 }
171190µs129µs close GLOB || croak "Could not open file '$file' for reading" ;
# spent 29µs making 1 call to File::MimeInfo::CORE:close
# spent 3.90ms (1.32+2.58) within File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp which was called 10 times, avg 390µs/call: # 10 times (1.32ms+2.58ms) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 169, avg 390µs/call
sub _glob_to_regexp {
1751034µs my $glob = shift;
17610270µs10127µs $glob =~ s/\./\\./g;
# spent 127µs making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst, avg 13µs/call
17710593µs28220µs $glob =~ s/([?*])/.$1/g;
# spent 120µs making 18 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:substcont, avg 7µs/call # spent 100µs making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst, avg 10µs/call
178101.12ms312.28ms $glob =~ s/([^\w\/\\\.\?\*\[\]])/\\$1/g;
# spent 1.42ms making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst, avg 142µs/call # spent 761µs making 1 call to utf8::SWASHNEW # spent 105µs making 20 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:substcont, avg 5µs/call
179101.12ms20713µs qr/^$glob$/;
# spent 538µs making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:regcomp, avg 54µs/call # spent 175µs making 10 calls to File::MimeInfo::CORE:qr, avg 17µs/call
182sub extensions {
183 my $mimet = mimetype_canon(pop @_);
184 rehash() unless $_hashed;
185 my $ref = $mime2ext{$mimet} if exists $mime2ext{$mimet};
186 return $ref ? @{$ref} : undef if wantarray;
187 return $ref ? @{$ref}[0] : '';
190sub describe {
191 shift if ref $_[0];
192 my ($mt, $lang) = @_;
193 croak 'subroutine "describe" needs a mimetype as argument' unless $mt;
194 $mt = mimetype_canon($mt);
195 $lang = $LANG unless defined $lang;
196 my $att = $lang ? qq{xml:lang="$lang"} : '';
197 my $desc;
198 my @descfiles = @DIRS
199 ? ( grep {-e $_ && -r $_} map "$_/$mt.xml", @DIRS )
200 : ( reverse data_files('mime', split '/', "$mt.xml") ) ;
201 for my $file (@descfiles) {
202 $desc = ''; # if a file was found, return at least empty string
203 open XML, '<', $file || croak "Could not open file '$file' for reading";
204 binmode XML, ':utf8' unless $] < 5.008;
205 while (<XML>) {
206 next unless m!<comment\s*$att>(.*?)</comment>!;
207 $desc = $1;
208 last;
209 }
210 close XML || croak "Could not open file '$file' for reading";
211 last if $desc;
212 }
213 return $desc;
216sub mimetype_canon {
217 my $mimet = pop;
218 croak 'mimetype_canon needs argument' unless defined $mimet;
219 rehash_aliases() unless $_hashed_aliases;
220 return exists($aliases{$mimet}) ? $aliases{$mimet} : $mimet;
223sub rehash_aliases {
224 %aliases = _read_map_files('aliases');
225 $_hashed_aliases++;
228sub _read_map_files {
229 my ($name, $list) = @_;
230 my @files = @DIRS
231 ? ( grep {-e $_ && -r $_} map "$_/$name", @DIRS )
232 : ( reverse data_files("mime/$name") );
233 my (@done, %map);
234 for my $file (@files) {
235 next if grep {$_ eq $file} @done;
236 open MAP, '<', $file || croak "Could not open file '$file' for reading";
237 binmode MAP, ':utf8' unless $] < 5.008;
238 while (<MAP>) {
239 next if /^\s*#/ or ! /\S/; # skip comments and empty lines
240 chomp;
241 my ($k, $v) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
242 if ($list) {
243 $map{$k} = [] unless $map{$k};
244 push @{$map{$k}}, $v;
245 }
246 else { $map{$k} = $v }
247 }
248 close MAP;
249 push @done, $file;
250 }
251 return %map;
254sub mimetype_isa {
255 my $parent = pop || croak 'mimetype_isa needs argument';
256 my $mimet = pop;
257 if (ref $mimet or ! defined $mimet) {
258 $mimet = mimetype_canon($parent);
259 undef $parent;
260 }
261 else {
262 $mimet = mimetype_canon($mimet);
263 $parent = mimetype_canon($parent);
264 }
265 rehash_subclasses() unless $_hashed_subclasses;
267 my @subc;
268 push @subc, 'inode/directory' if $mimet eq 'inode/mount-point';
269 push @subc, @{$subclasses{$mimet}} if exists $subclasses{$mimet};
270 push @subc, 'text/plain' if $mimet =~ m#^text/#;
271 push @subc, 'application/octet-stream' unless $mimet =~ m#^inode/#;
273 return $parent ? scalar(grep {$_ eq $parent} @subc) : @subc;
276sub rehash_subclasses {
277 %subclasses = _read_map_files('subclasses', 'LIST');
278 $_hashed_subclasses++;
# spent 15µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:binmode which was called: # once (15µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 158
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:binmode; # opcode
# spent 29µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:close which was called: # once (29µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 171
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:close; # opcode
# spent 6.74ms within File::MimeInfo::CORE:ftfile which was called 2560 times, avg 3µs/call: # 2560 times (6.74ms+0s) by File::MimeInfo::inodetype at line 44, avg 3µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:ftfile; # opcode
# spent 31.9ms within File::MimeInfo::CORE:lstat which was called 2560 times, avg 12µs/call: # 2560 times (31.9ms+0s) by File::MimeInfo::inodetype at line 43, avg 12µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:lstat; # opcode
# spent 78.7ms (76.8+1.85) within File::MimeInfo::CORE:match which was called 5945 times, avg 13µs/call: # 2564 times (52.5ms+0s) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 74, avg 20µs/call # 1654 times (10.4ms+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 161, avg 6µs/call # 1639 times (13.4ms+1.85ms) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 164, avg 9µs/call # 80 times (479µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 89, avg 6µs/call # 8 times (41µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 94, avg 5µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:match; # opcode
# spent 48µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:open which was called: # once (48µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 157
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:open; # opcode
# spent 175µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:qr which was called 10 times, avg 17µs/call: # 10 times (175µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 179, avg 17µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:qr; # opcode
# spent 3.69ms within File::MimeInfo::CORE:readline which was called 829 times, avg 4µs/call: # 826 times (3.64ms+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 164, avg 4µs/call # 3 times (44µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_hash_globs at line 160, avg 15µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:readline; # opcode
# spent 978µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:regcomp which was called 90 times, avg 11µs/call: # 80 times (440µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::globs at line 89, avg 5µs/call # 10 times (538µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 179, avg 54µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:regcomp; # opcode
# spent 1.64ms (882µs+761µs) within File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst which was called 30 times, avg 55µs/call: # 10 times (655µs+761µs) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 178, avg 142µs/call # 10 times (127µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 176, avg 13µs/call # 10 times (100µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 177, avg 10µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:subst; # opcode
# spent 224µs within File::MimeInfo::CORE:substcont which was called 38 times, avg 6µs/call: # 20 times (105µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 178, avg 5µs/call # 18 times (120µs+0s) by File::MimeInfo::_glob_to_regexp at line 177, avg 7µs/call
sub File::MimeInfo::CORE:substcont; # opcode